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Writer's picture: Magnetic Community NewsMagnetic Community News



                                       OVERLORDS vs. COMMUNITY.

To me… Simply…. The TCC have taken to “Overlording” as its “Principle of Operation” rather than abiding to its community.

Magnetic Island is being spearheaded by TCC into a grand social experiment, taking peoples freedoms away and enforcing social laws far, far above the normal of Australia.

Court action by TCC to kick out permanent residents of Magnetic International Resort, Banning cats and dogs at the behest of a few idealists, Canoes, skis and Dinghies have been trucked from our beaches while Magnetic Islanders unanimously demanded they stay, lies of asbestos on community land, Hydrogen in neighbourhoods, Net zero power, Microgrids with container sized hydrogen battery banks on the footpaths, zero waste, boil your water, overloaded sewage system, Water reservoirs with fallen roofs and leaking, water reticulation leaking everywhere, harbour that can’t be dredged because the property retaining walls (BS) might fall in, damming of the beach creeks, wilfully destroying our beaches, smashing our only Sports and recreation Reserve, Street water rushing thru people’s properties, leaving half-finished projects, ……….. this paragraph can go on and on…………………………………………………….and on….

“To become THE World – Leading Sustainable Tourist Island Destination”, is the catch phrase reasoning.  There is nothing wrong with that concept until you realize that programs are in place to force the Magnetic Island Community to live in a social experiment far, far above the normal in Australia, and you realize that it is impossible to present a Tourist venue as a World - Leading Sustainable Destination when the place is worse than Third World and the community that is bullied and divided so badly.

Magnetic Island is not World Heritage…. the World Heritage washes our shores the same as it does in Townsville.

We can’t be the World’s World Heritage Eco-Sustainable Island if the community isn’t brought along. We are being bullied into some sort of secret, sinister economic scenario that is yet to develop into an understandable picture, that is using World Heritage and Global warming as propaganda blinders. Secret Economics??????

We live on Magnetic Island at a much higher cost than elsewhere, we live in FREEHOLD, surrounded by Marine and National Parks, respectfully, forever mindful to our encompassing environments….and is why we are here, as CARETAKERS. We live frugally and symbiotically with the surrounding Parks on age old, designated freehold, not in the parks!

Townsville……Please…. Magnetic Island is your Island as well!

I am begging as a 60+ year long term resident speaking for myself, (who can see the BS), and purposely not for an island group, for help. At a Magnetic Island Residents and Ratepayers meeting on the 2nd of March, Mayor Jenny Hill said the Labour Party had dropped(?) her, but she had Team Jenny Hill. Ann-Maree Greaney (our Councillor) went on to say that she did not belong to any Political Party. Both left a few mouths gapping in disbelief. Who Divorced who???

Could I get into trouble for asking everyone to only vote for the Independents, to alert the state government, that only the Independents had formal votes, that we need to clear the sinister, insidious sickness within. Minimize Team Hill until the State looks forensically at what is really going on.

Please vote to cancel deals within deals within deals……. fresh start. Otherwise …. Look forward to bringing your bucket of Hydrogen volts, water and potty over and take your footprints and rubbish home!


                                    Michael Schmidt.           

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MAGNETIC ISLAND.

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12 de mar. de 2024

Just in case the world is about to jump one step ahead, here is a recent notice from National Parks which some residents may not have seen or heard about.

Charlie McColl, Nelly Bay.

Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service will be commencing works in April 2024 to make improvements to the Horseshoe-Balding-Radical Bays walking track.


Retention of existing track character and aesthetics is an essential part of this project, while also improving user experience, addressing ongoing maintenance requirements, and enhancing protection of environmental and cultural values in the area.


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