Townsville Enterprise together with the Magnetic Island Tourism Masterplan Steering Committee are thrilled topresent the Tourism Masterplan for Magnetic Island (Yunbenun).
In December 2021, Townsville Enterprise secured funding for a Magnetic Island Tourism Masterplan from the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments through the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
Townsville Enterprise Director Visitor Economy and Marketing, Lisa Woolfe said the Magnetic Island TourismMasterplan is a result of more than 12 months of extensive consultation with Traditional Owners, community, industry, residents, and visitors.
“The committee conducted online forums, face to face workshops, meetings, newsletters and online submissions,”Mrs Woolfe said.
“This Tourism Masterplan is a blueprint to ensure visitor growth is managed effectively to protect the natural environment and deliver a world-class, best in Australia experience that aligns to the values and vision of the community and industry as well as increase the return from the Island’s visitor economy.
“The Draft Magnetic Island Tourism Masterplan went to public consultation in November and through a submission process, the final Tourism Masterplan was developed.
“We heard many different perspectives about the challenges and opportunities for the Island. There was also overwhelming support to do more to protect the Island’s natural and cultural values.”
The Magnetic Island Tourism Masterplan identified 26 initiatives to support the Island’s vision and is designed to be a living document monitored and delivered through the Magnetic Island Tourism Masterplan Steering Committee.
Collective vision for Magnetic Island Tourism:
A world leading sustainable destination inspiring land and reef stewardship that enhances the quality of life of our community and strengthens the cultural identity of our island home.
Member for Townsville Scott Stewart said Magnetic Island was a world-famous visitor destination, enjoyed by tourists and locals alike.
“We know there are more opportunities to capitalise on the jewel in Townsville’s tourism crown which is why this plan is important,” Mr Stewart said.
“The appeal of Maggie is its natural and cultural beauty which is why it was important that extensive consultation was done on this masterplan.
“As a government we are proud of our record supporting tourism in this city whether it’s through projects like the Tourism Masterplan for Magnetic Island or delivering huge events like two State of Origin matches in Townsville.”
Tourism Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said nature-based visitor experiences were highlighted by Queensland’s Towards Tourism 2032 roadmap to grow the State’s visitor economy.
“Nature-based tourism experiences are increasingly sought-after by a new generation of international travelers,”Mr Hinchliffe said.
“Backed by the Palaszczuk Government, Magnetic Island’s 10-year Tourism Masterplan is aboutleveraging opportunities to share more of North Queensland’s great lifestyle.
“The masterplan is designed to help the community build visitor numbers in a sustainable way while protecting Maggie’s rich natural and cultural assets.”
Tourism Magnetic Island Chair, Deb Barber said the Magnetic Island Tourism Masterplan has enabled locals, businesses, tourism operators and government to work together.
“We are all passionate about Magnetic Island and this plan will help us to share our island with visitors in the best way possible,” Mrs Barber said.
“Collaborative representation is vitally important in decision making, information sharing and engaging with stakeholders to obtain the best outcome for tourism on Magnetic Island.”
Townsville Enterprise thanks the community, industry, government, and the steering committee for their involvement in this important project for Magnetic Island tourism.
Final Magnetic Island Tourism Masterplan: https://issuu.com/townsvilleenterprise/docs/