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Major Development Project Set To Begin

Writer's picture: Magnetic Community NewsMagnetic Community News

Debbie Denison

The long awaited upgrade of drainage issues for Horseshoe Bay Park and Apjohn Street is set to begin this coming week. The BMD Construction has been awarded the contract for the $7 million project with the timeline of construction until October 2021.

Claudia Brassard General Manager of Infrastructure for TCC and Richard Hannay from TCC Integrated Marketing Communications attended the first MIRRA meeting for 2021 on Saturday 6th February, 57 people were in attendance. Some residents were turned away due to Covid seating restrictions.

Many island residents had voiced their concern about the rock drain which was built late last year around the oval, stating it was an eyesore and safety hazard.

TCC stated impact assessments have been undertaken on the area and TCC needed to work within those constraints. Power poles on the left hand side of Apjohn Street would be removed MCN understands underground power will be installed, Ergon indicating their works would begin this month, however no Ergon spokesperson was present at the meeting.

Claudia Brassard relayed to those in attendance, the rock drainage which was placed in December is temporary to protect the area for the current wet season. The rock placed around the oval will be removed and the drainage area around the oval will be come a grass swale. The rock which was placed around the oval would be relocated and used within the park area and the development.

The football field will be shifted by 10 metres, the football field will be fenced as per AFL Qld’s request for safety reasons. This coming football season the oval will be slightly reduced in size.

The current drainage system in the area is designed for a one in two year flood, the new drainage system will be a one in 50 year flood.

TCC have stated they will be installing stilt traps, further up in Horseshoe Bay Park near Somerset Court, which would be cleaned out prior to the wet season each year.

The tennis court will be replaced with a new ‘multipurpose’ playing court which will have a much better surface and also have lighting. The down time of having no court facility will be approximately 6 months.

Council have committed to reinstate the area, Claudia was questioned about future landscaping within the park area, she stated that currently there was no budgeted monies for extra landscaping.

A $7 Million state funding for the upgrade of Horseshoe Bay Road over 3 years is still to be signed off.

Council have committed to communicate with Horseshoe Bay residents and the wider Magnetic Island community through various channels ie Magnetic Community News, letterbox drops , newsletters, corflutes etc throughout the construction period.

The MCN will be placing continual updates on our website and various Community FB Pages.

Magnetic Island Resident & Ratepayers Association facilitates public open meetings on the first Saturday of each month. MIRRA are the only island based group which holds regular public open meetings.

The next meeting will be Saturday 6th March at 10am at the RSL Hall Arcadia.

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