The Magnetic Island Residents and Ratepayers Association met on June 5; at the RSL in Arcadia and several matters were discussed.
Ewe Cheng Khoo, who chaired the meeting in the unavoidable absence of President Cameron Turnbull, reported that, contrary to the claims of the Island Sunbus manager last month, the new Sealink timetable meant that some passengers were having to wait unacceptably long times to catch a bus, the worst being the 11.45 am service to the Island. His enquiries revealed that, as both the ferries and the buses had to have any changes to their timetables approved by Queensland Transport, it should be a simple matter to get them to meet each other. President Cameron Turnbull to write to Queensland Transport to sort it out.
Charlie McColl of Magnetic Island Nature Care made a presentation about his organisation’s attempts to raise $400,000 to buy the old CSIRO tick station block at Bolgers Bay to add to the existing Conservation Park.
Les Sampson reported on the deaths of 23 rock wallabies in the Nerita Crescent area. While some residents are concerned that the deaths were caused by poisoning, he reported that three autopsies conducted at JCU showed that the cause was toxoplasmosis, a parasitic disease transmitted by cats. He said all cats, but the literature shows that it is more likely to be transmitted by feral cats. He has formed a community action which is setting cat traps in the area.
(Editor’s note: no more deaths have been reported after the first spate of 23)
This brought up the vexed question of why we have no compliance officer to control domestic pets. At the May meeting Mayor Jenny Hill said there were plans for a compliance officer but “It is difficult to find the right person”. Cr Greaney will be invited to the July meeting for more on this.
The parking problem at the terminal is getting worse and nothing is being done to improve it. There was much discussion which boiled down to either the carpark must be extended or restrictions enforced. President Cameron Turnbull will follow this up, also our proposal for a feasibility study into the options.
Paul Wightman reported there is a major leak in the Nelly Bay water reservoir, GBRMPA is calling for public comment on the Museum of Underwater Art project at Geoffrey Bay and Palm Island and Jarrad Jeffery asked residents to be mindful of the many Ergon trucks on the island doing significant maintenance work, and to pull over for wide and long loads.
Next meeting is on July 3 at the RSL at 10 am