The August meeting of the Magnetic Island Residents and Ratepayers Association was held at the RSL on August 6 with 30 people in attendance.
The Treasurer’s report, with a balance of $1101, was approved and the July minutes were approved with one correction. This was that in the matter of the location of the Arcadia bus stop, two people voted for it to be in Hayles Avenue with the rest of the meeting voting for it to return to its old spot in front of the newsagency.
Concern was expressed about third party insurance on the Beam scooters when the rider was doing something illegal. We will write to Beam to clarify the situation.
Museum of Underwater Art is holding a meeting on Tuesday. MIRRA will send a representative to take the verdict of the meeting which was unanimously against putting the sculptures in Alma Bay. It was pointed out that if MOUA was determined on the Alma Bay location, they would have to start the public consultation again as so far all public consultation has focused on other location.
Terminal parking. It was suggested that the council install a carpark on its Kelly Street land and run a shuttle bus to the terminal. Cr Ann-Maree Greaney to be asked if this is feasible.
Picnic Bay Creek – The meeting was informed that when the vile stench coming from the creek was reported, the council took so long to come and test it that the smell was gone. The president suggested that some samples should be collected when the stench was present and he would take them to town the same day.
From the Council came an announcement of the closure of one lane of the road over the Picnic Bay hill from August 15 for three weeks to allow repair.
Paul Cannon, Community Engagement Officer with the Qld Fire and Emergency Services addressed the meeting at length on risk management and preparedness. Julie Carmody followed with advice that in case of anything happening, residents should rely on the Townsville Disaster Dashboard, ABC Radio and the Qld Fire Brigade website. She also reminded the meeting that fire permits are essential for all fires larger than two metres square
Because of the channel widening there will be a 33 percent increase in annual dredging – two months instead of six weeks.
It was reported that two caravans and several tents had been set up on a vacant block in Yates Street and it looked like a shanty town. The council to be informed.
Meeting closed at 11.15
Next meeting will be the AGM on September 3