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Writer: Magnetic Community NewsMagnetic Community News

Debbie Denison

About 60 people attended the Magnetic Island Ratepayers & Residents meeting  held on Saturday 2 November.

Cr. Ann- Maree Greaney was in attendance along with Matt Richardson Manager of  Infrastructure  for TCC and newly elected Member for Townsville Adam Baillie.

TCC gave a detailed update on the change of bus routes to both Nelly Bay and Arcadia with the new bus routes scheduled  to begin on 2nd December.

The Picnic Bay Toilets - TCC currently has put out to tender for the new toilet block to be built in the location where the old toilet exists. Council expects the new toilet block to be completed early in the new year. Council was also asked while they a building a toilet block to also refurbish the children's playground which is situated nearby. Council came under criticism regarding the length of time this process has taken which is over 4 years.

Magnetic Island State School Swimming Pool  Ann-Maree Greaney stated that after several avenues had been investigated it was NOT viable for the swimming pool to be open for public use. State Govt will be issuing a media statement regarding this matter and it will be made available as soon as it is received.

An update was given regarding the Nelly Bay Harbour Dredging, council has been heavily criticised by the lack of Community Consultation regarding  this matter and where the dredge material which is to be placed in Kelly Street. Council has stated they will come back with further information.

Matt Richardson spoke about the ongoing graffiti issue at the Horseshoe Bay Skate Park and asked residents to notify police if any activity is seen in the area.

Matt Richardson also informed the meeting that Magnetic Island would see 50 new E scooters introduced in the coming months they will be 3 wheeled scooters and are white in colour. Once again council faced backlash as to why there was no community consultation regarding this decision.

The next MIRRA will be held on Saturday  the 1st December 10am RSL Hall Arcadia.



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