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Writer's picture: Magnetic Community NewsMagnetic Community News

Updated: Oct 14, 2022

38 people attended the October meeting of MIRRA, (Magnetic Island Residents and Ratepayers Association).

One member wanting to discuss with Translink the Arcadia hotel bus stop will persevere, despite not having much success so far.

Secretary Rick, has finally got an email address for the town based TCC employee who manages the works program on the island and she will now be invited to the December meeting to address a large number of outstanding issues.

A representative from the newly formed Totally Renewable Magnetic (TRM) group addressed the meeting to outline the organisations aims, which are to increase solar generation on the island, invest in storage, seek funding to install microgrids to share the benefits, encourage electricity to be used more efficiently and manage demand.

Vice President Ewe spoke to the meeting to talk about the bus service and the ferry service. He said Translink, through Sunbus, has announced new fares and zones on the island (and Townsville). The island will now be under one zone (3 zones previously) and Townsville will reduce from nine zones to four. Fares have generally been reduced also to reflect these zone changes.

Sealink, after approaches from a number of island residents, have agreed to broadcast their advertising infomercial only between the hours of 8.30am and 2.15pm to give commuters a break from the noise. Also Sealink has increased their fares twice this year without any explanation despite the record number of tourists visiting the island. President Cameron will write to Sealink seeking an explanation.

A member then addressed the meeting about seeking to get the Qld government to take over the administration of the island as he claims the TCC can’t afford to fund to the required level and quoted some examples of the TCC’ failure at managing and funding the island.

President Cameron will invite Phillip Thompson (Federal representative), Scott Stewart (State representative) and Jenny Hill (Mayor TCC) to the November meeting to discuss a large number of outstanding issues, including the island sewerage plan, roads and illegal camping.

A member again raised the issue of the corrugated iron camp/structure, old cars and trucks at 43 Yates Street, saying as the cyclone season approaches it’s a disaster waiting to happen. Another member said he had spoken to the owner who said he was building a house there but it would take some time to be completed. Secretary Rick will try again to approach TCC about the issue.

Meeting closed at 11.10am

Next meeting November



Oct 14, 2022

Thank you, Debra. It does indeed clarify. Can I assume now that you accept that Magnetic Island is part and parcel of the GBR WHA and thus is 'World Heritage listed'?

BTW, I write in my private capacity, not as a representative of MINCA.

Debra Denison
Debra Denison
Oct 14, 2022
Replying to


There is something you are missing?

The MCN does not write the monthly MIRRA reports nor do we take the MIRRA minutes.

BTW you did not answer Q6. Please advise the date when MINCA are having their next open public meeting? Also when is MINCA holding their AGM?


Debra Denison
Debra Denison
Oct 14, 2022


  1. These are not MIRRA MInutes this is the MIRRA Report.

  2. The MCN does not write the report MIRRA does.

  3. If you have an issue with the report please contact MIRRA.

  4. Rather than being told 'by someone' I suggest you attend MIRRA meetings

  5. If MINCA and your 100 or so members have issues then please contact MIRRA.

  6. Please advise the date when MINCA are having their next open public meeting? Also when is MINCA holding their AGM?

  7. While you keep banging on about this - quote 'The sky is blue' - 'The sky is not always blue!' read TCC response.

  8. Hope this clarifies.

Here is the response the MCN recieved from TCC regarding Magnetic Island's World Heritage Status dated Septembe…


Oct 13, 2022

Being away from the Island I was unable to attend the MIRRA meeting but am told by someone who was there that the matter of Magnetic Island's World Heritage status was again mentioned briefly and confirmed to be a fact - though not covered by these minutes. Apparently there was some suggestion that this WH status only occurred relatively recently on the urging of some local conservation groups. This is not the case. All islands on the GBR became World Heritage Areas at the time of the original inscription in 1981. There are no exceptions. A particular reference to Magnetic Island arose in the mid-1990s and is detailed in the GBRMPA publication The Outstanding Universal Value of the Great Barrier…

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