Pictured above: Chloe Paris - Muller on her fundraising trek in Western Australia.
Nine year old Chloe Paris- Muller from Vasse a suburb of Busselton in Western Australia, spent her school holidays on a trek to raise money for the Magnetic Island Koala Hospital.
Chloe spent 8 days walking the south half of the rugged Cape - to- Cape track in the Margaret River region, a total of over 65 kilometres.
Chloe’s fundraising page reads:
My name is Chloe, I am 9 years old and on Saturday 23rd September I am going to walk my first day on the Cape to Cape track!! With my parents I will be walking 65 kms over the course of 8 consecutive days!! It is a big challenge for me and any word of encouragement would be greatly appreciated!
I would love to raise some money for the Magnetic Island Koala Hospital.
They are in the process of improving their current facilities so any donations would be most welcome
Thank you for your support❤️
“Urgent Koala Hospital Upgrade Fundraiser
IF you are able to spare some dollars to help us to improve our current facilities that would be amazing. Our new X-ray machine needs a building to house it and we urgently need a Hospital ward for our intensive care patients
It’s so dry here already and many of our Koalas appear to be struggling especially mums and their joeys. Dreading a fire in the area as that would definitely exceed our current capabilities
We rely totally on donations so any amount is always very gratefully received
With thanks,
Ali and Magnetic Island Koala Hospital Ltd
Registered Charity established 2018
ABN 47 627 599 419
The idea was sparked by Netflex series 'Izzy’s Koala World'.
Chloe told the Busselton Dunsborough Times " I really like koalas and I want to save their lives. If I raise money for them they can have enough money to save more koalas and bulid a bigger hospital".
The Bee family had been in contact with Chloe and her parents encouraging Chloe on her trek. Chloe’s dad Andrew said they also came across fellow walkers who had heard of the fundraising event , they joined in to help Chloe along the way.
To date Chloe has raised $1,050.00 (still rising), her original target was $250.
What a fantastic achievement.
Chloe’s go fund me page is https://gofund.me/8c893cc2