Changes to the vehicle restricted area concession from 7 July 2023 Transport and Main Roads The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) has recently reviewed the restricted area concession for vehicle registration in Queensland.
What does this mean? Vehicles which have a restricted area concession are currently not permitted to operate outside of the above restricted areas, unless they have firstly obtained a permit from TMR (or QGAP office, Magistrates Court or local police station where applicable) which authorises this use. As a result of the review and customer feedback, from 7 July 2023, a permit will no longer be required if a vehicle registered with a restricted area concession needs to be used outside of the restricted area. This means if you need to use your vehicle outside of the restricted area you can do this without contacting TMR. However, to continue to be eligible for the restricted area concession, the vehicle must still be garaged at an address in one of the eligible restricted areas listed above and recorded in TMR's vehicle register as being garaged at this eligible address.
What if I change my address?
You must notify TMR within 14 days of any changes to the vehicle's garaging address. If the vehicle is no longer garaged at an address in an eligible restricted area, the restricted area concession must also be removed from the vehicle. Failing to comply with these requirements may result in an infringement notice being issued. You are not required to notify TMR of a change of address if the vehicle will only be temporarily garaged away from its permanent address (for example, if you are travelling).
Monitoring of vehicles with a restricted area concession
TMR monitors vehicles with a restricted area concession to determine whether they are still eligible for the concession. TMR will contact the registered operator if it is identified that a vehicle is not recorded as being garaged in an eligible restricted area.
Further information about the changes to the restricted area concession can be viewed on the Queensland Government website at
If you have any enquiries about this matter, please contact TMR at 13 23 80.