Council has been monitoring dam levels and the forecast for continued wet weather for the city, including the Ross River Dam Catchment. Based on the rain received today the dam may reach levels that may activate the opening of the radial gates later today.
Controlled automatic operation of the radial gates on the spillway is undertaken in accordance with Council’s approved Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for the management of the Ross River Dam.
A Townsville City Council spokesperson said management of dams across the country was highly regulated to ensure the dams are operated safely and in accordance with design.
“Weather forecasts indicate we can expect more rain over the next few days, and we encourage the community to visit the Dam page on Council’s website and Council’s Disaster Dashboard for the latest information.
“I’d like to remind everyone to stay safe as we experience this weather – particularly around the city’s river crossings, weirs and storm water drains,” they said.
Council receives daily weather briefings from the Bureau of Meteorology and will continue to keep the community informed.
For more information about the weather event, road closures and flood warnings, residents should visit Council’s Disaster Dashboard athttp://disaster.townsville.qld.gov.au/